The longstanding plan to solve the Palestinian problem with two states has simply frozen the war in place with no resolution in sight. President Trump knocked over the table by proposing Gazans leave the area for good to rebuild the place. But who will live there? And what happens to the Gazans?
Trump wants to remove the Gazans from the rubble of Gaza to rebuild it into a wonderful place:
If you understand the threat frozen wars pose to human life, Trump's proposal is provocative hope.
Here's the hard, deep fact shaping Trump's jaw-drop suggestion: Frozen Wars and Endless Wars plague Planet Earth.
Based on his astonishing news conference, Trump intends to break the deadly ice freezing one of them.
I doubt this is really going to be the final outcome. But given changes are coming, including the likelihood that America won't subsidize the Non-Governmental Organization and UN humanitarian safety net of terrorism that has allowed Palestinians to hold out for winning it all. The freedom to leave and settle elsewhere in forever homes might appeal to a lot of Gazans.
Heck, I pray a lot of Gazans would leave for good to disassociate themselves from the fanatics who try my ability to sympathize with their plight in a war ravaged Gaza (tip to Instapundit):
In their most shocking propaganda display to date, Hamas terrorists paraded the coffins of two dead children, their mother, and an 83-year-old man through the streets of Gaza before throngs of cheering Palestinians.
The accusation that moving past the failed initiatives of the past will destabilize the Middle East is astounding. What stability? I'm supposed to believe it could get worse than it has been if Palestinians—or more specifically, their murderous leaders—aren't the center of the universe?
Resolving the Palestinian problem could break the past destructive path with a combination of:
Gazans voluntarily leaving for other states to settle for good; a split Gaza where those who don't want to leave Gaza are moved from the north to the southern half in order to rebuild the north;
Resettling the demilitarized north with screened Gazans and Palestinians from other Arab states, under the guidance of outside parties that de-Hamasify leadership and government employees;
Letting the southern part choose its own path--but isolated from Iran and others like it who would arm them--as a contrast for two paths Palestinians can choose as individuals; and
A virtual Pal-e-stine citizenship status that lets Palestinians choose whether to support the north or south via online citizenship wherever they live outside of Gaza, if they don't choose to be citizens of the physical state they live in outside of Gaza.
The West Bank regions under Palestinian authority could be a third state, but I'm not sure how it could fit in. And I suspect the opportunity to do something radically different than past failure doesn't exist in the West Bank right now. But perhaps after decades of watching the New Palestine in the northern part of Gaza could create new options for a better life that doesn't involve endless war and poverty.
Basically, Palestinians have to be stripped of their status as Queen of the Victim Prom. I explored the division of Gaza in this post. And the virtual citizenship option here, and first proposed here.
I have sympathy for many Palestinians caught in crossfire of this conflict frozen by UN support. But does true sympathy require keeping this conflict frozen and allowing bloodthirsty Palestinian rulers to live in luxury “in exile” with a safety net provided by the sainted international community? Forever? Or until they manage to destroy Israel?
It is false compassion to insist on the same path that has failed so spectacularly for everyone so far, including other people around the world who can't get the sainted international community to pay attention to their enduring problems because the Palestinians suck the oxygen out of the room. And everyone includes Jews around the world—even in the West—who have become the target of Islamist-leftist hate fueled on the old path.
I'm an optimist, but even I suspect that if this can work it will take a generation or two to move past the deadly hate inculcated in Gazans for decades now.
NOTE: I mined the image from my old DALL-E 3 archive.