I know I've been droning on about China's threat to Russia for decades now, but Russia's insane policy of pretending NATO is a threat is circling back to threaten Russia.
Russia is stripping its border for troops to die in Ukraine:
Russia is running out of soldiers and weapons to arm them with. The shortage of soldiers is visible to countries that border Russia and can actually see the departure of most troops from local units. The soldiers are needed in Ukraine and many border garrisons have only twenty percent of their original strength left.
Putin's policy of concealing his appeasement of China to hold off China's threats to Russia's Far East by loudly pretending NATO is a threat has finally backfired on Russia fully. I honestly wonder if Russia started to believe its own lies. Or if Putin's great, can't-miss plan just didn't work out.
Russia turned a disarmed NATO into an enemy. An expanding and rearming enemy. And China is no friend of Russia's. But China no doubt ponders its options as Russia strips it troops from the Russia-China border. A less drastic Chinese opportunity is in the former Soviet conquests in Central Asia.
Yet NATO doesn't pounce on Russia despite Russia's ground forces bleeding out in Ukraine. NATO has neither the capability nor interest in invading Russia.
But rather than get out of Ukraine at all costs to prepare to hold their Far East, Russia persists in flinging their men at Ukrainian guns.
I don't care how many analysts say Russian culture is willing to submit to endless deaths in battle. That has to have an effect. And Russia is no longer a peasant society. That fading culture may slow the reaction, but I can't imagine that Russians will continue to just shrug at their death toll until Putin tells them they've sacrificed enough.